Healing is a journey you

don’t have to take alone.


Welcome to Compassion Pathways Counselling

Counselling, at its best, is a relational way to support and help others as they face difficult valleys and hills—those troublesome and hard places in life. No one should have to face these difficulties alone! And here’s an interesting fact to consider: research shows that when someone is present with you at the bottom of one of those overwhelming hills (both metaphorical and physical hills), the hill literally looks less steep!  Our hope is to be there with you on your journey of healing, to encourage and help you overcome and thrive. We welcome the opportunity to meet you where you are at and provide you with a safe, non-judgmental space to explore the issues that may be concerning you at present.

Our team at Compassion Pathways Counselling looks forward to connecting with you.

Learn more about our practice here.


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Our Values


Genuine relationship

We value relationship and being authentic within it. A solid counselling relationship is the best foundation for a good counselling outcome.


Judgment-free practice 

We value the worth and autonomy of every person. This is expressed in unconditional positive regard, acceptance, and non-judgment.


Our understanding of being human

We respect the biological, psychological, social and spiritual nature of being human. Each of us is a unique and intricate expression of these facets. 


Faith-sensitive practice

We value spirituality and will provide a safe space to talk about spiritual and religious issues, including the processing of toxic, harmful religious experience.


Excellence in service

We value competence and striving for excellence, and we remain committed to ongoing training, learning, and growing as
individuals and counsellors.

Compassion-Based Practice


In our practice, compassion is central because at its core, compassion is basic human caring. Since we are all wired for connection, it is no surprise that experiencing compassion (being cared for) is how we regulate our emotions and ultimately heal. 

Compassion is not just a feeling like sympathy. It is much deeper than that. Compassion has to do with suffering, and involves someone coming alongside another who is suffering, with a willingness to help alleviate it. 

In other words, compassion is generally defined as the COURAGE to turn toward suffering, with a WILLINGNESS to help alleviate it, and the WISDOM to determine how best to do that, by honouring both your limitations and resources.

This compassionate stance will always be our starting point because suffering alone is very painful. Our hope is that together we can face your suffering with courage and figure out the best way to move forward.

Commitment Statement

We are dedicated to empowering our clients, nurturing their growth, and helping them uncover their unique strengths and abilities, enabling them to regain control over their lives.